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Our Training Services

The Arizona Coalition for Victim Services (ACVS) offers academies, trainings and conferences. The Basic and Advanced Arizona Victim Assistance Academies (AVAA) are collaborative interagency efforts to provide victim service professionals with opportunities to learn, interact and network with other providers from across Arizona. The academies are a unique and comprehensive training series that address the barriers that victims of crime face and how advocates in agencies across Arizona can work together to empower and serve those in need whether it be through on-scene crisis intervention, court advocacy or community-based services and shelters.

AVAA Basic Academy

The Basic Academy is designed for advocates who are new to victim services and is structured to teach participants basic advocacy skills.

experienced service providers and educators from across the state lead participants through an examination of various crime types. in an effort to impart a better understanding of the barriers people face as they strive to overcome their victimization and healing.

  • victimology
  • crisis theory and response
  • the criminal justice system
  • victims’ rights
  • cultural awareness
  • homicide
  • domestic violence
  • sexual assault
  • stalking
  • drunk driving
  • vulnerable adult abuse 
  • Vicarious Trauma


The 40-hour Basic Academy curriculum meets the requirements for the National Advocate Credentialing Program and the Military Advocate Certificate Program pre-service training through the National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA).

Room Scholarships Available

We have funding to provide room scholarships for all of the various trainings we offer

To check Scholarship Availability contact Connie Chapman After you register for training

-Limited rooms per training-

ACVS Advanced Academy

The Advanced Academy offers a deeper dive into a variety of topics relevant to those working in the victim services field.

Although each Leadership Academy varies in content, the curriculum serves to address the most current issues advocates and supervisors in victim service agencies face through a trauma-informed lens. Experienced service providers and educators from across Arizona lead students through in-depth examinations of the unique challenges of leading a victim services unit.

Attendees do not need to have completed the Basic Academy to attend the Advanced Academy sessions.

ACVS LeaDership Academy

designed for more experienced advocates seeking leadership skills and supervisors who work in the field of victim advocacy

Click to register >

View Upcoming Trainings>

  • neurobiology of trauma
  • domestic violence
  • human trafficking
  • working with children exposed to trauma
  • Essential Skills In Victim Advocacy
  • Technology safety
  • Legal Services for Crime Victims

Previous training topics offered:

Crisis Intervention for Victims of crime February 5th & 6th

Upcoming Training

"What I took away from this training is that you never stop learning how to better serve Victims/ Survivors."

"No matter how long an advocate has been doing the work you never stop learning how to better serve victims/ Survivors. I appreciate all levels of experience."

"My biggest take away was to be gentle with myself & others for being human.."

"This can include seeking new perspectives, being a life long learner and staying curious. I really enjoyed the academy and learned a lot, not only from the content but from others sharing their experiences and being able to network. Connie, you and your team did amazing! Thank you Angela and Amy for keeping us engaged and thank you to Whitney for making the world go round! Thank you Melissa for engaging with us and creating a safe sassy space!"

"This training allowed me to build a solid foundation."

I learned more than I have from my supervisor. I have been winging it every day. This training allowed me to build a solid foundation. The networking and collaboration of our class was amazing. I enjoyed almost every topic and I learned too much to measure. All the trainers were excellent!"

"For my first training conference-this one was spectacular!"

"I would like to say for my first training conference- this one was spectacular! It was very organized, detailed oriented, and knew how to get everyone engaged."

"This training reminded me why I do my job"

I really enjoyed this academy. At work I've been in autopilot and not motivated. This training reminded me why I do my job.

Mobile Advocacy Training Program (MAP)

The goal of the program is to provide free training for agencies unable to attend traditional training due to staffing, time, or distance. An agency may request training and ACVS will identify a Subject Matter Expert (SME) on the topic to come to their area to train advocates and any allied professionals they choose. The trainings vary in length by topic.

Are you a Subject Matter Expert?

 If you are interested in being a presenter for this program, fill out the Request to Train form and the project director will be in contact with you

Let ACVS come to you! (Free Training)

MAP Brochure >

How The MAP Trainingworks

to request training to come to your agency follow the steps below and The project Director will be in contact with you to set up training date(s)




click here for the request for Training Form (RFT) 

Complete the RFT form

The ACVS Director will be in touch to set up your training

Request To Train form